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  • Category: Problems and issues

    You have several posts pending review by editors. Please wait few days until our editors review your

    I request webmaster to consider with this so that I can share as many articles as possible. I had shared some articles which are pending so please review them as soon as possible so that I can share more new articles.If we have to go ahead with this site, then we have to be up to date, which is still a problem, that the posts are delayed due to review, which makes it difficult to write new articles.Hope editors and webmasters will listen to me and give some suggestion to improve.
  • #1961
    I hope we would be hearing from them soon. Meanwhile you can write your new articles and post them immediately as they give the green signal to do that.

  • #1965
    As the administration is in the process of appointing volunteers as editors, please wait for some more days and till the announcement is made never create new articles.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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