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  • Category: About StudyVillage

    My earning spree started

    Hardly few days back I joined this site and found to be very interesting as I always connect with child and parenting and this seems to be the interesting universal topic also. So I have been contributing to the forum section and also responding to various articles on parenting and alike. And today when I logged in I was surprised to find the cash credit to one of the resources and that proved that the content raised and responded here are are monitored and getting my first cash credit gives me satisfaction and hence shared.
  • #1973
    Congratulations Mr Mohan and as I pointed out about 10-15 days back about joining your self here, my expectations came true. If you remember that I had told that an experienced member like you if joins here the site has to look up. Great and keep it up. Incidentally I found some very god old articles here which if those old members can update would bring in additional traffic. Anyway this we would be discussing with the webmaster in a separate post and I just wanted to bring that in your knowledge. I am excited for better future of SV. All the best.

  • #1975
    Congratulations sir. It is good to hear that your earning has been started on this website.
    It gives a feeling of satisfaction that our efforts will not be going to vain.

    I have also posted a resource that is still awaiting for review. Hope it will be reviewed soon.

  • #1976
    Congrats Mohan. Wish you more and more success from StudyVillage.

  • #1977
    I wish you a hearty Congratulations Mohan sir that your earnings has been started with study village.we are also contributing and this post motivates me that my time will be not waste.It is a success, you truly deserved for your contribution and all of members who post regularly and a active member on this site.Hope all the members will received credits for their contribution

  • #1978
    Congratulations! Sir. You are a dedicated contributor, so it is natural for you to earn from this site. Good luck and keep it up!

  • #2206
    Congratulations to you Mohan sir, hard work should definitely be rewarded.

  • #2210
    Earning may be small or big, but when it comes through our content sharing in this site, that gives the big impact.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2213
    Your initiative and hard work has given fruitful results. May your earnings improve.
    It is indeed a very happy moment for all of us to listen from you.

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