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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Attention webmaster - regarding Google Adsense.


    I had entered my Adsense account number in studyvillage site. Adsense had sent a message to me to add this site in my Adsense account just below ISC. I went for that option but it is telling now to insert the code in my pages here. The screen shot is attached below.
    Can you guide in this matter?
  • #1994
    Attachment is placed here for your observation.

    Delete Attachment

  • #1995
    When I linked my ISC Google adsense Id with this site the following message was received.
    Pub Id saved. Your AdSense revenue sharing will be active instantly.
    Remember to authorize this site to show your AdSense Ads.
    You may start posting articles now.
    Likewise every active member of ISC who register through that account, the adsense would be of instant approval which I feel.

    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #1998
    I also got that message same as you have mentioned above. Still Adsense is sending me the message like that. I saw it in my Adsense notification today. There is some mix up somewhere. Adsense told me that I would miss on my Adsense revenue if I do not add it in Adsense just below where ISC is reflecting.

    Incidentally I am also a little bit active in Techulator - the technical sister site of ISC and there also I linked and got the message as you have mentioned. Let me see what Adsense says on that. I would let you know so that we all follow same process.

  • #2032
    There may be some technical glitch and send one personal message to the webmaster in this regard to set right or seek further opinion to facilitate getting adsense from this site.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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