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  • Category: Primary Education

    No sub category for English Worksheet

    I just submitted my worksheets on Jumbled sentences (English Grammar). however, while submitting, while I could get English worksheet in 'Filter category', but I could not find anything in the 'Choose a category' (the sub category under English worksheet) it said - Error: No categories found. And I could not submit it like that i.e. without any sub category. So, I had to select 'English Grammar' this time to submit.
    I request the webmaster to enable the 'English Worksheet category properly to ensure that the right meaning is delivered while submitting worksheets.
  • #2036
    I am really appreciating the enthusiasm of the author who is eager to contribute with English worksheet and need the separate category. This site was working very well during some years back and later no more serious takers and thus the site gone slow. Only since 20 days there was increased participants from new and ISC members and thus the site is getting into grove. Surely your suggestions would be taken and the webmaster is busy in appointing some editors permanently for this site and therefore have some patience and the things would be improved and inclusion of categories would take place. Meanwhile as a known member of ISC I could see your interest on child and parenting and in this regard use this forum section wisely and promote that kind of threads so that the site gets going.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2038
    Slowly more members are coming back or new ones joining here and that is a good sign for all the existing members. Once the manager or editor to this site is appointed things would go ahead in a faster pace. Let us hope for the best.

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