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  • Category: Primary Education

    Are video conferences by teachers causing more troubles for the smaller students

    The role of the teachers is very important for the students' careers. Even now, when the pandemic is playing its havoc, the teachers are trying to be in touch with the students through video conferences and webinars and trying to take up the courses. There are discussions everywhere as to how the teachers can influence the mind of the students and can help them in handling the problems of social distancing and lockdown.
    However, when we talk about the smaller children, there are many such children, who just shy away and feel a pressure when they face their teachers face to face on the web. and that is more in the presence of their parents. they have a fear that the teacher might tell the parents of the naughtiness and the wrong things done in the classroom.
    In a way, instead of helping, such video conferencing might be actually damaging their little minds. Please share your thoughts if this kind of regular video conferencing should be done for the smaller children or not?
  • #2035
    I am fully agreeing with the author that the small students are really getting terrified on seeing the their teachers on the mobile screen and while at house they are cozy with the parents and the pampering continues during this time and invariably the children are getting up late and the school teacher coming on line at 8 am as if the school as started. Perturbed over this behavior some children are pretending to be sleeping but they are wake and seeing all the ongoing at the home. Moreover some parents are advising the teachers to start the classes late and not the early hours because there is no prayers and so on. But the teachers wants to finish their work and see their own daily kitchen work at home. Therefore there should be proper timing and the teachers should create confidence in each child that they are their well wishers.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2039
    Actually we are going through a transition phase in our educational system due to this virus threat. Video conferencing is a new thing for even for some of the parents. In this situation the parents would have to help the children and sit with them throughout the class as the children wouldn't be able to do anything if the video goes off or the settings of the mobile changes.

  • #2042
    But this transition period is not known to small children who are also student. They are literally feeling happy that school has given long leave for summer and thus should not be disturbed.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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