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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Terrifying videos of migrants handling children casually

    In the course of 4.0 lock down across the country, the most affected were the migrant labors who want to reach their home village or town at any cost braving the hot sun, walking miles together, and handling the children to their fate. One of video shows a migrant transferring his child to the lorry top so casually as there are every chance of child getting injured. And in another video the mother left her months old baby to the care of another small child in the hot sun. All these videos show little regard to the children.
  • #2052
    We do not know how many of these videos are genuine or not. Media is full of misleading information nowadays. Anyway to show such things is in a bad taste and I would recommend not to forward such bad taste messages to our friends and relatives.

  • #2056
    The above said videos are news videos and not the social media feeds.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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