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  • Category: About StudyVillage

    Review of posts and articles must be done

    Since this site has the huge potential to develop and even become more famous than the other sites, the webmaster should take interest and review the posts and articles submitted here for speedy approval so that new members would have the feeling of contributing more. If the activities are not reviewed for the past many days, then the site would become stale with no new activities and even the points and forum super stars need to be updated. These are small things which go a long way to make this site going.
  • #2087
    I also think that he posts and articles must be reviewed on a regular basis otherwise people will lose their interest.

    I had also submitted a project more than 15 days ago. But my project is still not reviewed. I have some other resources which I want to post here but as the earlier one is still pending that's why I am not posting right now.

  • #2089
    As per my understanding the manager or editor is likely to be finalised and things would be in order soon. Let us all contribute some more material till that time. We have to see that this site progresses well. All the best.

  • #2093
    Meanwhile one of the experienced editor at ISC can handle and clear the pending articles for quick responses.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2104
    Yes, Mr Mohan it could be done but editors at ISC are already much busy with their tasks in hand so whether it would be feasible to think so. That was the reason why Webmaster was in search of a new person. Let us see when the new person is given this charge.

  • #2116
    We will wait for sometime to gear up momentum and till then as suggested, we will be active in forum.

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