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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Why the small children want to wear footwear or dress of daddy?

    When the children are at home they insists that they play the Mummy - Daddy game and wants to wear the footwear and dresses of the daddy and wants to impress everyone at the home even the grand parents. What this proves that the young children want to imitate the likes and behavior of the parents and it is imperative for every parent to behave properly before the small child as any lapse on this part would be shown in the children behavioral patterns much to the annoy of elders at home. We muse encourage children to know everything what the elders does.
  • #2103
    Children have a tendency of mimicking their parents. It is a natural trait in them. So they would like to do all those things that their parents are doing. Whether it is a dress or shoe or doing some kitchen work they would be active everywhere.

  • #2117
    Children learn from imitation at their young age. They learn many things by imitation-the language skills, behaviour, eating habits, walking skills. First from their parents and later from their teachers, later on reasoning develops.
    They also learn imitating the skills through television hence parents should take care of what children are watching in their tender years.

  • #2120
    I agree with Sharada that through television also the children learn fast and therefore the parents should minimize the tv viewing.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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