Request to Webmaster - Linking Adsense account of members to StudyVillage site
To, Webmaster:Many members from ISC have joined here and many old members have also come back and have started contributing here. Many of us have tried to link our Adsense account and inside StudyVillage it appears to be done but when we go to Adsense site it says that add that site in Adsense and when we try that then none of us is able to do that. In case you are aware of some solution to this problem please guide us so that we can be successful in linking our pages in StudyVillage to Adsense. We are seeing the advertisements in our pages so that is not an issue.
Note to members:
I request all the members to keep a track here for the response of webmaster. If any member has any useful information in this regard please post here to help others.