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  • Category: Problems and issues

    Request to Webmaster - Linking Adsense account of members to StudyVillage site

    To, Webmaster:
    Many members from ISC have joined here and many old members have also come back and have started contributing here. Many of us have tried to link our Adsense account and inside StudyVillage it appears to be done but when we go to Adsense site it says that add that site in Adsense and when we try that then none of us is able to do that. In case you are aware of some solution to this problem please guide us so that we can be successful in linking our pages in StudyVillage to Adsense. We are seeing the advertisements in our pages so that is not an issue.

    Note to members:
    I request all the members to keep a track here for the response of webmaster. If any member has any useful information in this regard please post here to help others.
  • #2157
    When I applied for the adsense inclussion of activities with the Study Village with that of ISC, the following message was recieved by me.
    "The below ad is a live AdSense ad and it is rendered using your pub id "pub-3400436967404611". DO NOT CLICK on your Ad shown below since it would be a violation of AdSense policies. Clicking on your Ads will result in termination of your AdSense account."
    So it is expressly meant that the adsense inclusion of this site with ISC adsense has been approved.

    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2159
    You have to submit the Pub ID number and after the instant approval you have to save the same so that the adsense would start working instantly and this messages says so.

    "Pub Id saved. Your AdSense revenue sharing will be active instantly.
    Remember to authorize this site to show your AdSense Ads.
    You may start posting articles now."

    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2160
    Mohan, I also got all those messages mentioned by you and I also felt that everything was done. But until Adsense site shows this site there and corresponding revenue against it, I do not think that it is done. anyway, we can wait for the webmadter's view on this.

  • #2181
    Yes sir, the same problem exist with me. I could not add studyvillage site under the sites section of Adsense. I raised the same query in a separate thread. I would like to bring it under the same thread.

    I had linked my adsense acount to this site. It shows
    "The below ad is a live AdSense ad and it is rendered using your pub id "pub-xxxxxxx"....."
    I also added studyvillage to my adsense account, but it notified as follows:
    "We couldn't find the code on your site. This is because the code is either missing or incomplete, or because the URL of your site is incorrect.
    Copy and paste this code in the HTML of your site, between the and tags."

    Please help me in adding to Google adsense sites section.

    P.S: I couldn't provide the url of my forum thread for the following reason:
    "URLs and Hyperlinks are allowed only for regular and active contributors of this website. If you are looking for including URLs of any business you are associated with, you must become a regular contributor of this website by sharing non-promotional content."

    So copy pasted my content from that content.

  • #2183
    Why webmaster Tony John is not responding to this thread which needs his attention and guidance so that we get going on our work.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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