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  • Category: Primary Education

    Should parents get the children admitted in playgroup in the current session or wait for the next se

    Play group is an important part of education. The sensory and motor skills get developed in the play group activities. These activity based skill development go a long way in the child's academic life. But the institutions also demand a hike amount in the play group itself. However, the current situation is different where the child is not going to the play group anymore but is given some activities through videos or chats which the child's is supposed took do at home itself with the help of his parents. Moreover, he Aleppo is not able to mingle with anyone else.
    So parents are also avoiding the admission to the play group in the current academic session and waiting for the next academic session when they believe the situation will already be a little better. At least this way they are not shedding out money. But is it okay to postpone the education by one year and delay admitting to nursery by again one year. Or should they just admit the first timers to the play group?
  • #2207
    It is advisable to hold the children at home and not to venture or admit in the play schools which cannot guarantee social distancing or secured for the children. Play schools would not teach big but charge much fees as they would be manning the children for so many hours. And the working parents are finding it difficult to keep small kids at home without activities. In that case the parents should opt for work from home jobs and see the welfare of the child which is paramount important. The play schools are having activities around in the room or outside and the grouping of children is for sure as they cannot control the kids mingling and cajoling with each other. And as per the government orders the children below 10 years and the senior citizens should not come out as they are vulnerable to the virus attack, therefore it is better to hold the children at home and teach something.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2224
    Children are susceptible to infections and we should not observe any laxity in this matter. Presently the situation is not good and it is highly risky to send the children to such places. People are very much afraid of the pandemic and next 3-4 months are crucial and then only we can hope some stability and possibly some reduction in this threat.

  • #2225
    The age group of children who tend to get admitted to playgroup or kindergarten are between two to three years. It is a tender age wherein the immunity is not built in an expected manner.
    These children cannot follow rules and the regulations will hurt them psychologically. Hence it is better to keep them at home.
    There are so many videos and pictures available in this site. You can give a practice to them as well get into singing rhymes, listening stories and drawing pictures and colouring them with your child.

  • #2226
    If a grand ma or grand pa is there at the home the children get best engaged study wise and also story telling and thus blessed are those children who have this arrangement.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2235
    As the pandemic situation is going bad to worse and the doctors do not advice elders and children not to venture out, then opening of play school and even up to fifth class does not arise.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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