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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Why does the desk at home is important for children?

    For educational purposes, we are buying so many gadgets at home. To facilitate kids, one another important thing to be bought at home is desk. It can be a table kind of desk to sit with chair or a desk that can be used while sitting on the floor. This desk is not only been used for writing, even for placing laptop or tab/phone on stand. This will give proper sitting posture to the kids from the childhood. For online classes too, placing the screen on desk and sitting in front of it, may bring in a proper study time feel. Lying on bed and studying are playful which should be avoided compulsorily.
  • #2244
    Nice post from the author. As the children are having good seating arrangement at the classes in the school they should also have the same kind of comfort and even more at the house so that the child should not fume at again reading and wring the same notes and portion as home work. Invariably the home is the best place for any child to learn more in a more play way method, thanks to the ever cooperating mood of the mother. But a right table for the comfort of the child to read and write with addition of desk top computer on it would go the long way to clarify some words and sentences on the Google search and thus the child would become more informed. But what ever the child does, the mother should have the eye on the activities as the children may cheat the parents that they are studying or writing but actually they are seeing the cartoon characters.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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