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  • Category: Home Schooling

    How you are managing the home schooling of your child?

    Though we do not have the school going child at the disposal, I feel many homes are struggling to find to sync with the home schooling. One of the shop owner has two children who are studying in pre-primary and now with the absence of school. he is unable to understand the home schooling and more over that particular school is having one class per day which makes the child dull on other subjects. Very importantly he does not have the computer at home nor he interested to create cell phone viewing habit to his child and thus in a fix.
  • #2252
    Regulars should make the habit of interaction and then only forum would be virant.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2254
    The shift from school to home for learning has posed many questions in front of the parents. Many of them are not able to understand these changes and are in a fix as what to do. The use of computers and mobiles for video conferencing is also not an easy thing that every parent would learn it so easily and quickly.

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