Very relevant question asked by author. I happened to have registered on the site today only so responding with what I have done for my little one.
I actually had this question when I had to celebrate my daughters birthday which was in July end.
So let's tell you what I did, hope it may help you. All children love gifts and surprises so I began like this:
1. Brought atleast 10 small gifts and 1 big one, packed then well and hid it in almirah. Since not many people were coming so to compensate I ordered so many items.
2. Ordered a chocolate cake well in advance.
3. Brought decorative ballons and Happy Birthday strings balloon for decorating the hall.
4. Since inviting many people and friends was not possible, so I invited only 2 of my friends and family who had kids and stayed in my society only and also was sure that they were healthy and their kids too.
5. My wife prepared a list of food that she will make. For kids we got some snacks and for dinner only 3 items were prepared. Food choice is always your own decision so I skipped explaining what we made.
6. Arranged a list of birthday and dance songs which kids love.
7. I emptied and arranged one more room for kids to play near the hall as I know kids need big area for activity and can't be restricted at one place.
8. Informed other close relatives that we will be making a video group call in the evening, so keep their phone batteries charged and don't get engaged in any other activity. We told them that we will call between 8-9 pm, so everyone should keep themselves free during that duration.
Now since my daughter was very eager to get gifts, we told ger that she get a lot of gifts but only on her birthday and not before, she complied but her eagerness and curiosity everyday waiting for her birthday made us really ecstatic.
Now I have told all my preparation and what all I prepared and everything happened smoothly. In the evening fiends arrived, we served them snacks and drinks (soft) and later proceeded with cake cuttings and giving all the surprise gifts. Then made a video call to grandparents, they wished her birthday and then allowed the children's to paly with their gifts. Music was playing in the background throughput, then after cake cutting and vidoe call the turned into dance floor for kids.
Later everyone was served with dinner and sweets and everyone left happy and satisfied. My daughter lived it and didn't wanted any of the kids to leave as she wanted to play more. This virus has actually clipped the wings of children.
One most important thing everyone who came was asked to sanitize their hands and leave their footwear outside.
Hope that we do not face such issue on the next birthday of our children and by then vaccines will be available.