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  • Category: College Education

    The main aim of education.

    The aim of education is not only to make the man a true human being but also to take him on the path of development. Many changed circumstances have created many challenges before human society. Our society is also not untouched by these challenges. The current scenario of globalization is undergoing unprecedented changes in values ​​and beliefs in every sphere, including our social life. Changes in traditional values ​​and beliefs are having an impact on education and higher education in particular. Only education can move a person from untruth to truth and from darkness to light. Efforts will have to be made to reduce social, economic, and cultural imbalances with the help of modern knowledge-science.

    For public welfare, there will be a need to establish universities and colleges in underdeveloped and backward areas on a priority basis. The effort of governance should be that in the changing environment, emphasis should be placed on the qualitative development of educational institutions to maintain the balanced development of society and mutual harmony between its various organizations. So that a better goal of building a developed state can be achieved.
  • #2390
    Thanks to the author for sharing a thought provoking thread and giving the importance to education. Education should not be a mug up at the school, writing exam and passing out the class. What has been learned in the last class cannot be gauged nor valued by any one. Education is the continued process and if one things that by completing the Engineering or graduation the responsibility seizes and he need not learn more, then that is foolish thinking. There is no age limit for education and one need not go to the school. The online facility to learn many things from the home would make a person more informed about the topics and the matter and thus whenever the issues are raked up, the discussions would be fruitful and not just a chatting type. So education is the vast subject and that should be continued.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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