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  • Category: Primary Education

    Speeches and Group discussion are enhanced children confidence.

    Giving speeches, group discussions, etc. are some of the important requirements of a student's school life because such activities help to develop leadership qualities in them by eliminating the fear of putting their thoughts before their people. Nowadays, due to increased competition for students, it has become very necessary to participate in activities other than educational activities. They must take part in such activities when they get a chance and participating in the speech competition is the only art so that they can eliminate the hesitation to put their ideas in front of everyone.
  • #2392
    Nicely said by the author that we have to develop the skill of speech and group discussion at the very young age of the child and the parents can take the lead on this. Though the teachers would be inducing the child to speak and discuss, the shyness has to be removed from the child end and that is possible through the confidence level build up by the parents especially the mother. Children are intelligent and talented and they have to be guided right by the parents and supported by the teachers. Never ever the child should be degraded for fumble during speech and discussions and that would dissuade the child forever.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2394
    At the home the parents should give general topics to the children to say few words no doubt they make mistake and hesitatingly start to say something and that is the way the fear has to be removed and once they grown up the stage fear and attending competitive exams would be easy and when the job opportunity comes they would face the group discussions among the freshers who opted for job and thus would come out with winnable discussions much to the excitement of interviewers also. So home is the first school for any student to get trained for talking power and that legacy taken to further heights.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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