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  • Category: Home Schooling

    Children learn from everyone and by everything.

    Children are like raw clay, they are molded as they are. They do not have any discrimination for students of economic or other religions or castes. They learn from the environment around them. They behave the way they get around them.

    If you are determined to give good values ​​to children, both at home and school together, nothing is difficult. It is also important to give children freedom of expression.

    It is often seen that due to our behavior, it becomes a matter of young children that the person is small or big based on money, it is a fallacy and we have to clear this confusion.

    Children have to explain that a person does not grow up only based on money. Before explaining this, we also need to improve our behavior.
  • #2398
    Children are the great learners because they are eager to know new things, as their mind is growing and as the new information trickle in they are interested to know further information and that is the reason being so children ask more questions and we elder get annoyed. The freedom of expression is more important to child because they want to explore new people, new things, and get attached to those who are very fond of them. Children recognize the famed faces in the family and they scan the people whether they love them truly from inside. Right now I am playing with 10 month old baby and she is very possessive and does not leap into the shoulders of others and she choose between the known people and relatives and thus she cannot be handled that easily and she explores too much.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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