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Category: Miscellaneous
Nicely said by the author. This Deepavali should bring happiness and togetherness with one and all and the festivities must be celebrated without hitch or accident and for that parents and elders need to have an eye on their movements and playful with the crackers. The silk dress and clothes which are highly inflammable should not be worn during the crackers playing and the children are bound to act wild on seeing the crackers and it is the elders who should prevail upon them to stop the non sense. For example the phool chadi which brings in lots of sparks and the children have very bad habit of throwing the same when it was half burning and if that hits some one they would meet with fire accident for sure and more over those who are playing in the villages, should see that the crackers are not played near the staple or grass.
K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
Child has every reason to play and ask questions
K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
Child has every reason to play and ask questions
The festival time is coming and children are excited. As parents it is our duty to isolate them from the crowd as well as some high potency crackers which can sometimes damage the hands of the children. We are still under the Covid-19 threat and though in some places the cases have reduced but it does not mean that it is eradicated. It will again strike back if we do not take precautions and follow social distancing. It is our duty to guide the children accordingly. They will run here and there in the excitement of the coming festival and we have to keep a watch on them.
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