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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    It is difficult for children to distinguish between truth and lies in childhood.

    Children between the ages of 3 and 7 years lie a bit more because at this age they are unable to differentiate between truth and lies. They put their imagination into words and give it to others by giving it the form of truth. This does not mean that your child has started lying.

    For this, you have to introduce him to reality. Fulfill his observable wishes and make him understand what cannot be done. Parents and teachers need to maintain transparency in their behavior. If you do any Promise with your child, then definitely play it. Make them realize that if you believe in them then they will not do any wrong thing and even if they make a mistake, they will not be afraid to tell you.

    They will take your permission before doing everything and always tell the truth because they are not afraid of you but believe in you and know that you will do everything right. The child's first role model is his parents.
  • #2416
    Good thread from the author. Children does not know what is truth and what is lies and they should not know at all. But the parents do wrong thing by learning them the lies fast and there is a joke in Tamil which can be shared here that the child father owes money to many and the people start coming to his house for collecting the debts. And the father ask the child to say lies. Once he said to the child that he is going to hide in the rice drum and never say this to anyone and simply say I am not present. But when someone came and asked about his father, the child said that his father was not inside the rice drum and that proved that the father was hiding inside the drum and he was taken out and reprimanded for not giving the money in time. So this joke proves that children should not be taught about the lies their life at all.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2453
    Children are the good followers of parents and others and they may not gauge the difference between the truth and lies and thus form as the most under estimated by many.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

  • #2454
    Children at a very young age are given instances of ghost who comes forward if the child does not sleep, eat or do something wrong. Children initially cannot differentiate between truth and false statements. They accept their mistakes easily infront of elders like "I spilt the water", "I tore the paper", and so on. Slowly they realise through the activities of elders that they are lying, tend to cry intially. So, the actions done by elder children and parents has a drastic impact on kids. They have to be careful when talking with young kids at home.

  • #2456
    Scary stories to the children must be avoided as they tend to get frightened and that fear would be insisting even when the grown up and that phobia would not leave them.
    K Mohan Platinum member ISC Ranked 3
    Child has every reason to play and ask questions

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