New guidelines for the practice tests section- To be strictly followed
Studyvillage is still in development stage. Hence, it is inevitable that the members shall face various kinds of problems, technical as well as other content posting related problems. Hence, it is necessary that the members are guided properly through various sections of Studyvillage. I am posting some of the general guidelines to be strictly followed for the practice tests questions.1) Do not use all capital letter for the options to the questions. Only the first letter of each option shall be in capital letters.
2)While posting any Maths related problems, try to post small numericals that are easy to solve as we do not want the kids to lose interest as they have to do the calculations manually that may be boring and tiring as well. Post numbers that can be easily solved.
3) Many of you are posting some vocabulary related questions. From now on, all such questions shall be approved only after you provide correct usages of those words with proper and meaningful sentences. Failure to comply with this rule shall lead to the deletion of that question.
4) There must be at least 4 options for the category "Multiple options". You may give five options as well. Do not give the option, "None of these or all of these" as the fourth option. You may use this option as the fifth alternative. While giving options, see that they are quite relevant to the question you have asked.
5) Do not post controversial questions or the questions whose answers are yet in a state of pandemonium. For example, "Which is the ninth planet of our solar system" is quite an impertinent questions as the ninth planet is not Pluto.
6) Take care of the typo errors.
7) It is very essential that you post your question in the proper category and choose the proper difficulty level for each type of questions. If you have not done so, the editors shall not do this task for you. They shall simply move them to pending status.
8) While you are posting some problems related to logical or arithmetical reasoning, please see that proper justification is provided for all of them in the box "Add other optional details". If such type of questions do not have any reasons mentioned, they shall be deleted.
9)Do not copy paste the questions from external websites without proper verification a the questions or the answers provided in that site itself may be incorrect.
10) Remember, this site is meant for the students abroad and not only for the Indian students. Hence, do not post questions that may be known only to the Indian kids. You may post questions related to India but only in the "Indian history" category.
11) The categories like multiplication, addition, subtraction etc are NOT meant for questions such as "8+9=?" etc. All such silly questions shall be deleted. Try to frame some interesting Maths word problems related to these mathematical operations.
12) Similar type of questions are accepted but same questions shall be deleted. You may post similar questions with different complexity levels targeting different age groups. For example, all of the following questions are valid:
Question 1 (1st grade to 2nd grade students): David went to shop and bought 10 oranges and paid $20. What is the price for 1 orange?
Question 2 (3rd grade to 4th grade students): David went to shop and bought 8 oranges and paid $12. What is the price for 1 orange?
Question 3 (5th grade to 7th grade students): David went to shop and bought 96 oranges and paid $146. What is the price for 1 orange?
Question 4 (6th grade to 10th grade students): David went to shop and bought 196 oranges and paid $346. Later, he returned 12 apples to the store for refund since some of them were not good. How much refund he got from the shop?
Those questions are very similar but are meant for different grade of students and so are acceptable.
But the following questions will be considered as duplicates and will not be accepted:
Question 1 (1st grade to 2nd grade students): David went to shop and bought 10 oranges and paid $20. What is the price for 1 orange?
Question 2 (1st grade to 2nd grade students): John went to shop and bought 10 apples and paid $20. What is the price for 1 apple?
13) Avoid silly, straight arithmetic questions. Instead, post intellectual and interesting questions.
Here is a typical example:
John bought 10 apples for $20. What is the price per apple? - This is a very straight question and not an intellectual question.
But look at this example:
John bought 10 apples for $20. Later, his brother went and bought 5 more apples. How much money the family spend for Apples? - This question is more of intellectual type since that involve a bit more thinking than simple mathematical addition and division. They need to first think of the family as a concept since the question said they are brothers and brothers mean the family. Also, we did not mention what is the price at which John's brother bought the apples. This require the reader to think a bit and later come to the conclusion that they both should have bought them at the same price. This is how a question should invoke the "thinking" in the kids.
Such intellectual questions which help kids to grow the intellectual power, thinking process and brain power will be rewarded much better than normal arithmetic problems.
14) At present, we are not imposing any restriction on the number of practice tests questions one can post but in the future, we may do so if the section is unnecessarily flooded with irrelevant questions.
15) At present, we allow only selected members to post such questions. This section is not open for all. It may be opened for general members at a later stage. You may ask the administration to allow you to post in this questions after you have proven your worth in the other section.
16) Please correct your questions as soon as possible once they are moved to the pending stage. If you do not bother to correct them, we may delete the questions as and when necessary.
17) Finally, suggestions to improve this section is invited. If your suggestions has been implemented by the authority (not included in these guidelines), you may be awarded with extra points and the excellent suggestions may yield you extra cash credits. Post all your suggestions as a response to this thread.
A smart member may know that posting questions that adheres to the quality norms and the international standards, have proper justifications and explanations, are different from other and appear interesting to the kids etc. may earn yuo high cash credits. Mind you that a question fulfilling all these criterion may earn you as much as Rs.5 and even ore points than this. Hence, let us all strive to keep this section spam free and maintain its standard.