Message for those who want to post practice test questions
There are many members who are attracted by the immense amount of cash credits that we award to the practice test questions. Hence, it is natural that they want to post the questions but by default, they are not allowed to do so. They first need to prove themselves that they are fit to post high quality questions. Hence, please follow these steps if you are genuinely interested in posting such questions.1) First of all, you should send me your educational qualification details in very summarized form. No need to worry if you are a school student as I am myself a school student. This is just a formality and does not really matter. You may include one or two lines about your educational background.
2)Type at least three sample questions in the computer and send them to me. The three questions must be from different categories. Remember to be very careful in framing these three questions as first impression is always the last impression. If I found various mistakes in your post, may be spelling errors, you may have a disadvantage.
3)Post the answers with proper justifications and reasons. Mind you that it is a must and compulsory.
4)Please read the Practice test posting guidelines very carefully before mailing your sample questions.
I shall evaluate your posts on the basis of quality and guidelines followed or violated and let you know the result in a day or two.
My GTalk id is vivekruletheworld