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  • Category: Practice Tests

    Message for those who want to post practice test questions

    There are many members who are attracted by the immense amount of cash credits that we award to the practice test questions. Hence, it is natural that they want to post the questions but by default, they are not allowed to do so. They first need to prove themselves that they are fit to post high quality questions. Hence, please follow these steps if you are genuinely interested in posting such questions.

    1) First of all, you should send me your educational qualification details in very summarized form. No need to worry if you are a school student as I am myself a school student. This is just a formality and does not really matter. You may include one or two lines about your educational background.

    2)Type at least three sample questions in the computer and send them to me. The three questions must be from different categories. Remember to be very careful in framing these three questions as first impression is always the last impression. If I found various mistakes in your post, may be spelling errors, you may have a disadvantage.

    3)Post the answers with proper justifications and reasons. Mind you that it is a must and compulsory.

    4)Please read the Practice test posting guidelines very carefully before mailing your sample questions.

    I shall evaluate your posts on the basis of quality and guidelines followed or violated and let you know the result in a day or two.
    My GTalk id is vivekruletheworld
  • #540
    Thanks Vivek,
    For the details. I will surely contact you.

  • #623
    Thanks vivek,

    I have sent a mail with 3 questions from different categories.Please look in to it.

  • #745

    I wanted to know what detils do we have to give in the mail. I would also like to post practice test questions.

    Rakesh Goel.

  • #754
    Hi Rakesh,
    You have been allowed to post practice test questions.

    With regards,
    ISC Editor
    Studyvillage editor

  • #767

    Sincere thanks to you for allowing me to post practice test questions....

  • #832
    Dear Vivek sir,
    I already requested Mr.Tony sir to give permission to post such questions which is helpful to students at begining time of studyVillage . At that time he told me that 'we are at the launching time, later we will give permission to post all'.
    Now ,we got a chance, and I'm saying a special thanks to all of webmasters and also editors to give such a good opportunity to us.
    You know, I'm a student, as a teacher or student they like to share their ideas or knowledge. It will give very good satisfaction to all.
    Now you gave us chance,
    I will send my sample questions shortly,

    I'm proud of you as a member of SV.

  • #843
    Hi Vivek
    I am new to this site and joined it today. I too want to post the practice test questions. I have completed my B.Sc. Computer with first class distinction and also two times winner of national level as well as 4 times winner of state level programming contests. I have good knowledge of computer subjects. I am now pursuing now MCA from the university department, NMU, Jalgaon. I wish I can post quality questions that will help the kids to improve their knowledge.
    I am eager to post in this site and will contact you shortly.


  • #848
    Hello Sudhir,
    You may do it at the earliest so that I may grant you permission. Kindly mail me only the IQ based questions.

    With regards,
    ISC Editor
    Studyvillage editor

  • #849
    Hi Vivek,
    I have already sent you a mail regarding this. Eagerly waiting for positive reply from you.


  • #876
    Hi Vivek,

    Content removed

    I want to post different question and home assignment sheet/paper on Science, Mathematics,Computer,etc.

    So give me permission to do this as soon as possible.


  • #882
    Hi Vivek
    This is Kalyani from Philadelphia. I have sent you a mail to your gmail address and request you to go through it and if you feel that it is fine , grant me permission to post in the Practice Test section.

    Thanks for your cooperation.


    Thanks & Regards

  • #887
    I have given you the permission.

    With regards,
    ISC Editor
    Studyvillage editor

  • #888
    I have given you the permission.

    With regards,
    ISC Editor
    Studyvillage editor

  • #918
    Is there any restrict for the number of posts in the Practice Tests section? Why my access is restricted? Please help in this connection.

    Thanks & Regards

  • #1003
    Hi vivek,

    I have sent mail to you with some pratice questions.please kindly allow me to post questions.

  • #1051
    Dear Mr.Vivek,

    Can we have a category of "Universe" related questions or "general geography topics" ?

    Many questions are hard to fit in given 2 categories. Also, please note that if there is a question about "venus" or "pluto" or "solar system" then given options India and regions of world are not appropriate.

    Please revert as soon as possible.

    Namita Terse

  • #1067
    Sir, I have sent request for grant permission to post practice test questions. If you satisfy with my questions give me chance to post practice test questions. It is my humble request.

  • #1074
    Hi Vivek,

    I would like to submit questions in practice test section. I will be thankful to Study Village if you permit me to post question. As mentioned in the forum, I have sent my education qualification and three model practice test questions to your Gmail inbox. Hoping for a positive and immediate reply from you.

    Ibrahim Nibil

  • #1130
    Dear vivek,

    I have sent you an email with all the necessary details and some sample questions. please give me permission to post practice test questions.



  • #1131
    We have received enough questions in our question bank. We no longer accept new questions.

    If you are in expert in the field and like to get in touch with us, please send me a message through the link in my profile or using the Contact Us link in the bottom.

  • This thread is locked for new responses. Please post your comments and questions as a separate thread.
    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.