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  • Category: Practice Tests

    Rejection of Practice test Question

    To the Editor,

    One of my question posted in practice test has been rejected stating "England itself is a country" whereas my question states about the "County" of England and not "Country".

    Please verify.
  • #539
    Hello dear
    That might be because of the mistake because country and county seems to be very similar.

    Hope Vivek (Practice test editor) will look into the matter very soon.

  • #543
    Hello Tasneem,
    Your questions has now been approved. There was some misunderstanding on my part. Ajay is correct as the two words are so similar in spelling. Hence, I acknowledge my mistake and thanks for bringing it into my notice. It shall be better if you provide the link in the future so that it is easy for me trace.

    With regards,
    ISC Editor
    Studyvillage editor

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