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  • Category: Practice Tests

    Please correct the wrong question.

    To the editor of practice test section and the respective author of the following question,
    Today while I am gothroughing through some of the questions, I found one question that ' Isotherm is for temperature and Isobar is for ________'.
    As far as my knowledge, the answer to this question is Pressure but the author has mentioned that Altitude. So, please have a look at that question and please re-edit after searching about it.
    My explanation is that isotherm means at constant temperature and Isobar means at constant pressure.
  • #606
    Hi Prithvi,

    Thanks for pointing out the error. It has been corrected just to inform that it was just a typo error.

  • #609
    Is that question belongs to you(Tasneem). If then i am thankful very much for reading this thread. As I though that this matter would connect you through editor. But you have directly viewed my point out. Thanks for that.

  • #610
    To the editor,
    This present thread can be locked no as the requirement is reached to the author.

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