General instructions for all kinds of drawings
Kindly follow the guidelines given below while posting any kind of worksheets/drawings/resources to StudyVillage.If you do not follow the below guidelines, your drawings/coloring pages/puzzles may be rejected:
1. The uploaded drawing/image should be as big as possible within a single page, with very minimal empty space. The image should fill the full page of the created pdf file, as much as possible.
2. We will not accept a small image in the middle of a page. There should be lot of objects in the page to fill the page to keep the child occupied for a reasonable amount of time. People are printing the pages to keep the kid busy for an hour or so. This means, there should be enough activity in the page to keep a kid busy for long time. In case of coloring pages, there should be many objects in each image.
3. In case of coloring pages, avoid tiny, thin corners or small areas. Coloring pages are used by nursery kids and they cannot hold the pen correctly to color small and tiny areas. Make everything big (big eyes, big mouth, big buttons for shirt, big head, big feathers for birds, big designs in the dress, big tails for the dog etc)
4. Avoid/reduce open areas in coloring pages. Kids can't color an open area. They can color only closed areas.
5. If the image is too big, it may spill into more than 1 page in the generated .pdf file. Both the image and the footer text should fit in 1 page of the .pdf file. When a parent print an image, he does not want to see portions of the image in another page! If the generated .pdf file is more than 1 page, try to reduce the image size a little bit while uploading. That may fit the image and footer in 1 .pdf page. If not, try again by further smaller upload size.
6. Avoid unnecessary borders for the images. Borders will simply waste ink while printing.
7. If you are scanning, make sure it has great scan quality. There should not be any gray shades or marks from the scanner.
8. If you draw with pencil, make sure the images are sharp and crisp. We do not want to see any pencil marks or broken lines. We recommend drawing on the computer rather than drawing with pencil and then scanning.
9. Do not use very dark colors to make coloring pages. You should use light gray for such images so that after coloring, your lines will not be prominent but only the colors by kids will be prominent.
You are responsible to look at the pdf file after uploading the image. Many people never bother to look at the created pdf file after uploading.