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  • Category: Announcements

    Make paper craft and other activities for children and get paid Rs 100 per post

    We recently invited coloring pages and drawings for children and we got great response. Thanks to all those who contributed.

    Now we are looking for paper craft and other activities for children. We will be offering up to Rs 100 per post.

    You can make paper craft or other similar creative activities for children.

    Paper aeroplane
    Paper flowers
    Flowers with ribbon

    Do not confuse this with educational projects for children. We will be soon inviting posts to educational projects separately.

    1. We are not looking for any copy pastes. If you reproduce any craft work from any other sources including internet or books, you will instantly lose your posting rights and any cash credits earned so far.

    2. We are not looking for any pictures/photos taken from other sources. You must use a camera and take pictures from the craft. Take pictures of each step.

    3. Before you post any craft, you must make it yourself. Take pictures of each step. If it does not come well, make it again and again until you reach perfection. A perfect craft with step by step pictures will earn the full Rs 100, depending on the complexity and effort involved in making it.

    4. A well written description is mandatory. After writing the description, you should read it yourself atleast 3 times to make sure it is written correctly. Do not expect editors to spend their time figuring out the spelling/grammar mistakes.

    Use the keywords "how to make", "craft" and also the name of the craft few times in the description so that search engines will know what is it all about.

    5. Video: If you can make a video of how you make it, it will be really great. In case of video, upload the video to YouTube and then embed it in your post here. Embed the text "" in the video before you upload to YouTube.

    Only selected members will be allowed to post. Any craft posted by members without prior approval could be rejected.

    Our webmaster Pooja will be handling this section. Please get in touch with her for further instructions.
  • #746
    @pooja ma'am,

    I would like to post crafts. But i wanted to know if it will become binding on me to do so regularly and what do i need to do to get the permission?

  • #747
    Hello Rakesh,
    To get permission to post you have to take permission from webmaster. His Gtalk ID would be "tonyjohn"

  • #753
    Hello Rakesh

    First of all there is no compulsion for the members to post regularly not in case of craft work only but in all sections, members are free to post according to their own convenience and interest.

    Please send some sample craft on to my Gtalk id poojasingh1977 to get the permission.

  • #928
    hello pooja mam
    i also want to post such crafts.
    so please tell me what to do next

    sonam tripathy

  • #929
    Hi Sonam

    Please send me some of the sample drawings onto my Gtalk id poojasingh1977

  • #931
    ok mam

    sonam tripathy

  • #935
    Hello Pooja Mam,
    I have made one paper craft item and have sent it to your Gmail ID. Please verify it and make sure that you give a reply with the steps that could be taken so that the article gets more impression by the viewers.
    Thank you.

  • #1022
    hello mam
    i had sent a paper craft sample to your gmail id.please mam atleast see that sample and permit me to post.

  • #1241
    Nice hearing about such a beautiful thought! Though I spend time making creative things with kids, I've a lot of problems making resource on this topic. Vary bad! But still I'll try to make some, but it may take time!

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