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  • Category: Announcements

    How to post schools with ease by following these simple guidelines?

    Most of the members are complaining about the slow editing of their school posts due to which they are not able to post new schools. No doubt, we currently have a few number of editors as the site is in a pre-launch stage but the main reason for this is that the members are posting wrong details in that section that is taking double the time to edit one school post. Hence, it is a clear guidance to all the members posting the schools that they should follow the instructions mentioned herein. I have listed a detailed guidance for filling up all the blanks in the minimum possible time.

    School name

    There is not much to say for this field except that the name of the school shall appear exactly in the same fashion as it appears in the official website of the school. Each word of the school name must begin with a capital letter. It is not mandatory that the school name does end with the word, "School".

    Popular names

    This field is optional for the members to fill. However, if you provide a popular name, see that it is completely in capital letters if you are using an acronym(short form) for the school name. If there is a sobriquet (nickname) that the school has earned, you may provide it as popular name.


    I think that Tony sir has already explained you the whole system of address in the USA. Look at this for example:

    1)107 Livingston Road
    Edgewood, TX 75117

    Some of the things to notice in the above address are:
    a)The first number mentioned is the house or the building number.

    b)The second part is the name of the street. (Note that there is no punctuation between the house number and the street name.

    c)The third part consists of the the name of the city that is a full name and not any abbreviations.

    d)The next part is the name of the state. It is abbreviated with the state code but full names are also allowed.

    Address must be taken from the official website of the school or from the facebook id of that school and not from any private sites. If you do not find a official website, go to Googlemap and try to locate the school. If that is also not possible, resort to other private websites provided that at least 3 of them give the same address.

    State, city and pincode

    They are exactly the same you mentioned in the address field. Please post them exactly. Some members are posting the schools of the city, "Abilene" and select the "Abbott" as the city. If we find such silly mistakes, it can be damaging to your status.

    Contact details

    Contact details are not compulsory to fill in except the telephone number. If you do not get the official website for a school, specially the kindergarten school, leave that field blank. However, there is a independent school district that has the official website in the 99% of the cases. Go to that site and type the name of your school that shall re-direct you to the page dedicated to that school. Give the link to that page and not to the official website as such. Home page field shall be left blank in this case. See that the e-mail contact you provide is that of the official website of the school strictly. Many members are giving the e-mail contacts for the teachers, principles individually which is wrong. If there are contacts for the management as whole, please provide those contact details if absolutely necessary.

    Board and the management details

    There is only one option avalable for the selection of the board, "General" and hence, you do not have to do anything in this regard. Please do not provide the details of the management as they are fluctuating and keep on changing. Hence, we do not want to take extra pressure of updating them every time.

    School type and description

    You must mention exactly whether it is a "public school or a private school". You must also mention the standards for which this school is meant - montessori school, play school, primary school, secondary school etc.
    Description must be types if only you are good in English or else no need to type them. If there are many mistakes in your description, your entire post shall be deleted.

    After giving all the details of the posting guidelines, I expect every member who post schools to give their responses under this thread so that I can be sure that they have read these. If any member fails to do so, he shall be personally contact that can lead him to trouble.
  • #702
    Isn't it allowed to give the Principal's or the Counsellor's email id? Most of the public schools do not have separate email ids for managements.
    Webmaster - DealsAndCoupons.IN

  • #705
    To the Editor/Webmaster,

    1. Some of my schools already posted by me is neither appearing on new submissions, pending, deleted or approved category. Neither it is shown in school search. This creates a lot of confusion.

    2. Can you please explain how we can know of the cash credits for the schools posted.

    3. Also, brief me how can we know that a particular school posted by me has been rejected or deleted (as it is known shown in alerts). Can you keep alerts for this section also.

    4. Since large number of schools are required to be posted and such numbers can not be done in a day, is there any way to keep track of my school posted with filter options so that individually I can keep check and save time on avoiding double entry of schools posted by me.

    5. Also there are private child/day care centers in each city. Some are registered and some licensed with full permit. Should this be also posted?

  • #707
    Mr. Vivek,

    I have posted a few private schools who do not have a website of their own, whose details I got from Will these posts be valid?

    In some of the cases the web address of the school is too long for the space provided. What should be done in that case? Are we allowed to shorten the URL using other sites or should we leave it blank or should we copy-paste the URL and let it appear as it appears?

    In some of my school posts, the detail/description has been deleted without assigning any reason and in some cases it has been accepted. So , it is not clear to me that whether I should post the details/description of the school or not (referring to the description part of your above message I would like to say that I had mentioned the type {public/private} of school, the grades it provides education for and there were no spelling/grammatical mistakes) ? Are we allowed to use HTML in school description?

    Moreover, I have not got cash credits for the posts approved. When does one gets cash credits for the posts approved and what is the minimum payout amount?

  • #709
    You may post the email id of head of the school and no one else. In case you do not find his email id, please leave the field blank.

    With regards,
    ISC Editor
    Studyvillage editor

  • #717
    Hi Vivek,

    I have been allotted to post school information. I have also gone through your instructions. But, when I go through the schools in the city allotted to me, in most of the schools, I do not find any school website and only the common independent school district website is available. Also I do not find information about private or public school. Also only Email IDs of Principal / teachers is available.

    Please clarify.

    with regards,


  • #718
    Hello Mr. Vivek Choudhary,

    This is very nice guidelines. You have explained very nicely to fill each and every field of a new entry. As Mr. Nitheesh mentioned above, most of the schools not included the email contacts of the management in their official websites. I think it is better to include email contact of Head / Principal / Counselor / Administrator in our School posts. Because there are lots of third party websites having details of schools in USA (Most of them included postal address and telephone contacts only). We should try to include more details than them to improve our ranking.

    Nadheera V

  • #720
    Hello Karthikeyan,
    In the website of school district, you will find links named "Schools" or "Campuses" etc where you will get all the individual homepages of schools in that school district. Or you can search it in Google. You can search in this form : "School name, School district website address" .Try it.

    @Vivek and Nadheera,
    Yes, Nadheera. You are right. It will help us to get popularity among others and it will lead to get good rankings. I think it is better to include the Counselor's or Administrator's email id in case if the Principal's is not available. I had seen that a few school website do not provide Principal's email id but Counselor's is available. In such cases I used them.

    Webmaster - DealsAndCoupons.IN

  • #725
    Hello Nitheesh,

    Thanks for your information. Actually I am getting the school information from Independent School District website only. But where will we get the information about the school management i.e. Government / Private.

    With regards,


  • #728
    Mr.V. Karthikeyan ,

    Actually,in US, all the schools listed in Independent School District websites are public schools managed by US Govt and the schools manged by private bodies or individuals are called private schools , unlike India where the schools manged by Govt. are called Govt. Schools and those manged by private bodies or individuals are called public/private schools.

    So, if the school is a private one and has its own website, then you can get the information about the management from the website of that particular private school otherwise it may not be possible and if at all it is possible then it may not be a reliable source for the information. So, it would be better to leave that column blank unless you can verify the information from at last 3 different sites/sources.

  • #733

    1)The reply to the first question is that you are not allotted cash credits in the post itself except the points due to the fact that you are a content writer and hence, your account shall be credited with the cash credits separately.

    2)At present, we do not have any alerts facility for the school posts.

    3)I do not know why do you need to re-check and crosscheck your school details once you have posted them. It means that you are not posting them with much care and attention. Please take care while you post them at the commencement of the posting.

    4)Yes, you may post the schools or the child care schools if they are properly and adequately registered under the law of the land.

    5)The last and the final suggestions is that at present, we do not have amenity to keep a track or the record of the schools one has posted. We many incorporate this feature at the earliest in order to facilitate the members but till then, keep a track of your schools through the Wordpad or any other documents software.

    With regards,
    ISC Editor
    Studyvillage editor

  • #737
    Hi Vivek,

    You have posted a really informative article regarding the submission of schools in StudyVillage. Now i think it will be more easier for all members to provide the details of the schools.


  • #817
    Hello Mr.Vivek,
    Thanks for providing a detail information as to how to post school information. But as Tasneem asked, even I am very much interested in knowing the cash credits when a school of mine is approved. Through the answer you gave to Tasneem, I couldn't understand how the account is credited with the cash credits separately? How is it reflected in the score board?
    Please explain this.
    And one more information, please change my name from "Shobha K" to "Shobha G", in the allotment of schools.
    Shobha G

  • #818
    Hello Shobha ma'm,
    When I talked with Tony sir about this matter, he said that cash credits are equivalent to points in Schools section. Means if you get 2 points for a school post after reviewal, then you get Rs 2 there. It will not display anywhere unlike other sections but it will count when announcing payments.

    Webmaster - DealsAndCoupons.IN

  • #819
    Thank u Mr.Nitheesh
    Shobha G

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