Questions with incomplete information got approval. Why?
While going through Practice Test section I came across two questions:-1. URL:- &
2. URL:-
Both the questions are similar and have similar mistake, i.e. incomplete information to solve the question. In both the questions area of a rectangle is given and it is asked to find the side of given figure/given land. Area of land is length multiplied by breadth (l*b= Area). So, how can one find two unknown quantities in just one equation?
Of course, the equation is good for a condition that l=b. In that case, when l=b, the rectangle becomes a square. But, it is nowhere mentioned in the question that the given figure/given land is a square and without this information these questions cannot be solved.
So, to solve the question, either it should be mentioned that it is a square or measurement of either of the two sides should be given and it should not be left for a reader to assume that it is a square and not a rectangle.