Studyvillage is looking for people to post entertaining games for kids- Earn money
We have always followed the policy of "Learning while enjoying." Hence, many of the sections of this esteemed site provide a complete glimpse of the extra co-curricular activities.The thread is to present before the kids another interesting and exciting section with lot of games- mental as well as physical games that bring about all-round development and alertness within the kids.
Now, let me come straight to the point. There are many games in India that are played with zeal and enthusiasm in the rural and urban areas of our country. At the same time, these games have no association with the foreign kids at all. Hence, our aim is to provide the foreign kids with new and exciting Indian games that they can play with their friends.
What types of games can you post?
At present, we shall allow the categories of games that are mentioned herein. In the future, we may expand the horizon of the gaming zone. Please be clear that the site has no provision for online gaming as we do not want to make it look cluttered.
Physical strenuous games
Physical strenuous games include the games that are played outdoor and are relatively comparable to strenuous and tiring game. However, you should keep one thing in mind that the foreign nations seldom have open playing area for kid as we do. Hence, the game should be such that it does not require a huge open field. Moreover, the game should comprise at least 4 players. Remember, the games you post should not be the ones that have received worldwide acclamation like cricket, football etc.Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Lock and Key etc are some of the Indian games that can be played outdoor and does not require a huge space. These games are very quick-timed and commences fast.
Mind and memory games
These games are played indoor and does not require any physical strain. Basically, these sort of games are for those kids who do not love to go out of their house or have a very little space outside their houses.There is no limit placed on the number of players in these games - it may start from 2 till infinity. Some of the games played in Indian of such sort are: Dumb Charades, Memory game, name-place-animal-thing etc.Online education game reviews
Members may also post the review of online games that are are available exclusively for educational purposes. You should not post the reviews of action and thrill or adventurous games. Besides, you should provide information about the source from where these games can be purchased, their merits and demerits etc.All games should be posted in the resource section with the images, videos, proper explanation etc. Please do not be of the opinion that you have to write very long articles for earning this money. You just have to include the rules and regulations of the game, number of players required and the images or the videos. However, keep one thing in mind that no rule of the game should be ambiguous or contradictory that it leads to confusion afterwards.Members can receive up to Rs.100 per valid post. It is always better to inquire about the games once before you post them. You may contact me through my Gtalk id for further clarification.