Why most practice test questions are deleted?
We have been deleting more than 50% of the practice test questions contributed by members. The primary reason is, the questions are not in the expected format.We are looking for interesting, intellectual and smart questions. We will not accept simple or straight maths questions.
For example, the following questions will be rejected:
What is the sum of 10 and 25?
What is the result of 12 + 34 x (20 - 5)
Instead, the Maths questions should be something like this:
John went to shop to buy 25 apples and he had Rs 225 with him. He could buy only 11 apples with that money. How much more money he need to buy all the Apples he needed?
Even in any other subjects, same rule is applicable.
Take the example of English.
The following questions will be rejected:
What is the opposite of "Fast" ?
What is the meaning of "Clever"?
The questions must be smart and interesting. Here is a good example:
John is running Fast, but Sam is running ______
1. Fast
2. Low
3. High
4. Slow
The above are just examples, but are applicable for all subjects. We are wasting a lot of time explaining what is a good question and what is not to the authors. Going forward, we will not spend any time explaining why questions are bad. Instead, bad questions will be rejected.
If you are not able to figure out what is wrong with your questions, it probably means you should not post questions.