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  • Category: Practice Tests

    Restricted Access to post in Practice Test

    To the Editors,

    I have been restricted to post questions from last 5 days for the reason that several questions of mine are pending to be reviewed by the Editors. Please edit the questions so that I can post further questions.

  • #826

    We have received too many questions in that section. So we are stopping posting to that section temporarily. If we need more questions from you, we will contact you.

    Currently we are asking few selected members to post some specific type of questions, which vary from time to time. We cannot give any exact details on what questions we will need and whom we will contact for that. We will ask specific people based on the quality and nature of questions posted by them in the past.

  • This thread is locked for new responses. Please post your comments and questions as a separate thread.
    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.