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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    A request to the editor

    Hi editor
    I sincerely request to you publish the question in the Practice Tests section as early as possible and enable me to contribute more in the said section.

    It is better if the editing and publishing process speeds up in this section as well as in the Articles / Projects section instead of concentrating only on Schools section where the posts are being published faster compared to other section. This would encourage the members to contribute more.

    Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

  • #1004
    At present the practice test section may not be considered as a slow process or a fast verifying section by the editors as I have been also facing the same situation that one day the questions are approved in a quick time and some times they take more than a week and coming to the projects section they would be verified after 20 days only. I have seen one article posted by Tanseem on 6th of this month and yet it is not verified. I don't understand what the editors are looking for.
    Either some more editors have to fixed for this process or the restriction on practice test section must be increased form 5 to a good level so that within using that number the previous questions may be verified. I advice the editors to please increase the number of questions per day as there are some problems like in the 5 there are some questions it takes lot of time to verify and some times these may be put under pending status, if these are not edited the restriction still reduces. So, entirely it takes vast amount of time. Have a look on this problem, I have already mentioned this through separate forum but there is no response and again I am conveying through the forum thread by Kalyani.

  • #1005
    Hello Kalyani and Prithvi

    Can you please send me the link of the practice test questions which are being pending for editing for a long time. As per my knowledge practice test questions are edit with in 48 hours.

    @Prithvi Kocherla- The article of Tasneem which is pointed by you is edited by me 5 times every time with a new mistake, last it is edited on 22nd September, because we want each and every article in the best way that's why we keep them pending with a specific reason, instead of deleting them we try that members should post them correctly, because we know that how much time they devote to prepare these articles.

    I hope now you understand what we are looking for if you still have complaints than please let me know, I will try my best to solve them.


  • #1006


    Since my name and my article have been pointed out in the above post, I would like to point my views as follows:

    First the said article was not edited 5 times. What i remember is that first I got comment as to remove borders and even after submitting the correction I again got the same comment for which I just resubmitted as it is.

    Secondly, I got the comment to make a new article for 'Word search' and not to mix in puzzles.

    Now here I would suggest that the second comment could have been given when it was edited first time itself so that the unnecessary delay could have been avoided.

  • #1007
    Dear Tasneem

    You are right that time can be saved if I give the second comment when it was edited first time itself but we are just trying that we get best from our members time is not important, quality of the content is important. Sometimes some mistakes can be left from our eyes but as soon as we get them we keep the post pending.

    Editors give comments to improve you not to hurt you or to waste your time, I hope you understand.

  • #1009
    The main post is deviated for what I have posted, but as this is responded by the editor, I have no doubts at present and thanks to Pooja mam for quick response. Don't mind me for asking those types of questions to you but we just wanted the reason and you have gave us the answer with which I am satisfied.

  • #1010
    Hi Pooja,

    Thanks Pooja for the feedback. Since this question was raised by one of our member regarding my article, I said my point of view else I would not have interfered. I quite understand as you said that mistakes can be left sometimes, after all we are all human beings.

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