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  • Category: Problems and issues

    Editor's help needed to find the email id of a school

    Dear Editor,
    I tried a lot to find the email id of the principal or the head of the Bammel Elementary School which is in pending now. Please help me to find out that. Also tell me from where did you get it. Thanks a lot in advance.
  • #1140
    Since I cannot post more schools due to this pending post, I am editing and posting it again without adding the email id.
    Webmaster - DealsAndCoupons.IN

  • #1141
    Hi Nitheesh,
    You can find the email address on the "Contacting Bammel" tab under "Procedures" tab


    Hemaaraani B

    "Face the problem face to face with Smiling Face"

  • #1142
    Hello ma'm,
    The email id is of the Webmaster of that site and not of anyone related to that school. So that we cannot include that id. Also our Webmaster Vivek has already said that we should not post any email id other than principal's or the head of the school.

    Webmaster - DealsAndCoupons.IN

  • #1144
    My mistake didn't see the Webmaster tag on there. Your school post is approved now

    Hemaaraani B

    "Face the problem face to face with Smiling Face"

  • #1146
    Alright ma'm.
    Webmaster - DealsAndCoupons.IN

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