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  • Category: Problems and issues

    How to find save articles.

    I wrote an article and since it is not complete I save that article by choosing not ready to publish and then save.
    now I want to complete it but I don't know that from where I get that save article. So can anyone please tell me that from where I get that article.
  • #1329
    Hello Palash,

    You can check your saved article, first of all click on the article section there you will find categories below that there's something - Show By Status: New Submissions Pending Deleted Approved My Resources My Drafts, you just click on My Drafts and there you can check your saved article.

    If you are not able to understand, for your good reference I attached an image below click on it, there I shown where you will get your save article.

    Simon George

    Delete Attachment

  • #1330
    Thanks simon for your such a nice co opration. I understand it. And sucessfully posted that article.
    Nothing is impossible.

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