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  • Category: Problems and issues

    How to convert an image file to PDF ?


    I made my first article( coloring worksheet)

    The webmaster put the article in 'pending' state with the reason ' convert the images to PDF'

    I actually, I din't know that I had to 'check the convert to pdf' checkbox. Now, when I'm trying to edit the images, I don't get the option . What can I do about this ? I don't really wish to reupload all pics again. Its a pain with my slow internet connection. Also there are so many ( 13) pics .

    Please help .

    ~ Pre Anu ~
  • #1382
    Hello Preethi Anusha

    You have to reload your worksheets again, when you upload images you will find the option of Convert to PDF? click that box to convert your worksheets in PDF format. Use correct pixel size also.

    You can contact me on for any further query or information.

  • #1383
    Thank you Pooja. Also I'd like to know is there any way to upload multiple pics at once; instead of uploading one pic at a time ?
    Also, what could be the ideal pixel value?

  • #1385

    No there is no way to upload multiple pics, you have to upload your worksheets one by one. Pixel value depends on your worksheet size. I use 700-1000 pixel value to upload my worksheets.

    There is one suggestion for you first upload one worksheet with using different pixel size once you get correct pixel value according to your worksheets than post others this will save your time.

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