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  • Category: Secondary Education

    Secondry education in australia

    School is compulsory in Australia between the ages of five/six-fifteen/sixteen or seventeen, depending on the state, with, in recent years, over three-quarters of people staying on until their thirteenth year in school. Government schools educate about two-thirds of Australian students, with the other third in independent schools. Government schools are free although most schools charge what are known as "voluntary contributions" or "Tax Levies", while independent schools, both religious and secular, charge fees as well as levies. Regardless of what whether a school is government or independent, it is required to adhere to the same curriculum frameworks. Most school students, be they in government or independent school, usually wear uniforms, although there are varying expectations and a few school exceptions.[clarification needed]

    Each State and Territories has its own format of Year 12 Matriculation:
  • #1573
    Education should be made compulsory at all levels irrespective of your status. It is very good and thoughtful for the Australia government to make it compulsory for her people.
    "Train a child and you will have peace at old age"

    Adesola Adeyeye

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