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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    How many hours does a kid spend in front of the television per day?

    Studies show that viewing television even for half an hour per day, is harmful to the brain. While watching television, the brain is not interacting. It is given information and the brain is passive. So it becomes a habit and the brain would like to continue in that mode. So lesser the exposure to television, the better. Let us have a discussion on this topic.
  • #1625
    Children watching TV is not all that injurious to them because it is advisable for parents to see to what they are watching. And also they should not be allowed to moved closer to the television because the rays of light from the it is dangerous to their health.
    "Train a child and you will have peace at old age"

    Adesola Adeyeye

  • #1654
    Children can spend two to three on the TV by watching cartoon and other stuff. Spending more time on the Tv is very dangerous for the habit of the children.

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