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  • Category: Special days

    Happy valentine to every children all over of the world

    It is my great pleasure to wish every member of this site and all the children of the world wherever they may be a happy valentine. Remember to show love to every one around you today and forever. This love should be a permanent issue that should last a life time. Keep loving everyone around you and things will keep on becoming better.

    Children love yourself, parents and everyone around you.
  • #1649

    I am wishing to all children Happy valentine day. Keep smiling. Never lose your confidence.

  • #1667
    A nice one there Aamir. It is ideal for us all to show love always to children that we meet daily in our everyday life. Make them feel loved by giving them a gift atleast a smile.
    "Train a child and you will have peace at old age"

    Adesola Adeyeye

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