Expecting eligibility to post stuffs and earn money.
This is to kindly request you to provide me allowance to be eligible to post contents on your site and provide me eligibility to earn money trough your site. I assure you that I am a hard worker and I am very clear about what kind of work you are expecting from your employees. Given below are my details that would be probably appropriate to assure you about my qualification and eligibility.Name : Hardik Panchal
Qualification : Passed 11th Standard (CBSE Science Stream)
Age : 16 years
Date of Birth : 26th September 1997
In order to make you assure that I am qualified to do works very well, I would like you to visit the following site where I have done my school project work just to assure you that how well I can work. www.airportschool.wix.com/ahmedabad