How to improve memory power in kids?
Parents often wonder what goes wrong when it comes to developing the memory of their kids. They provide kids with everything the kids need and yet kids aren't performing up to their mark. In fact every kid has their own reasons for poor memory development. Here are few ways which can work better when it comes on improving the memory of children.
How to improve the memory of kids?
Parents often wonder what goes wrong when it comes to developing the memory of their kids. Aren't they really offering everything the kids need to improve their memory? Is it that the parents on their part, lack when it comes to memory improvement of their kids? Parents wonder what goes wrong as they provide kids with everything that the kids need and yet kids aren't functioning up to their mark. There can be various reasons why this could happen to any child. In fact every kid has his own reasons for poor memory development.Factors that hamper memory skills in Children
Apart from Medical Conditions which would really be a matter of concern, nothing of these reasons is really threatening. If one follows certain pattern and ways, any parent may be able to boost his kid's memory within no time. Let's discuss on few of these ways which can help a parent find answer to how to improve the memory of kids:Diagnosing the Medical Conditions at an early age may help improve the memory of kids
Medical Conditions could be any kind of genetic disorder or injury which would result in loss of memory skills in your kids. Few of these medical problems could be anything such as Short Term Memory Loss, Head Injury, Convulsions and Infection in Brain or even a Stroke. Such medical conditions if diagnosed at an early age may work in your kid's benefit. Proper diagnosis and proper treatment can help improve the memory of your kids and help them function better in their studies and other curricular activities. Hence it's ideal to look out for the symptoms and get a doctor's opinion for understanding the perfect cause.A Proper Sleep Schedule helps improve the memory of kids
Irregular sleeping habits have been known for hampering the memory skills of kids. Kids need to have a proper sleep schedule which will inculcate good habits and also improve the memory of kids. Each parent should make a schedule for their kids which have to be followed regularly. A consistent sleeping schedule would work in a positive manner enhancing their brain functioning which on the other hand would improve their memory skills. No matter what, always stick to the bedtime schedule and make sure that your kids obey the rules you enforce on them. It may look a bit difficult in the beginning but slowly and steadily the kids would follow the pattern and sleep on the scheduled times. Some tips that may help the kids to go to sleep are:
- A Glass of warm milk can help your kid feel sleepy
- Avoid caffeinated drinks during nights such as coffee, tea or cold drinks
- Watching TV and putting to sleep is not the right patternReduced TV Watching helps improve the memory of kids
Research has suggested that kids who watch TV a lot have poor memory skills. Excessive TV watching hampers the brain and thus offers poor results when it comes to involvement of kids in academic or other co-curricular activities. Kids get more connected to the TV and detached to the outside world. Though it has been suggested that few programs or shows help in development of the brain, but I am sure Cartoons does get included in these programs. Hence reduce the timings of TV Watching for your kid. Encourage the kids to watch better programs or documentaries which can help in brain development. Discourage your kids from watching Cartoons. Schedule limited timings for each and every program. Always follow the same pattern. Here sometimes even the parent need to follow the same pattern to be a good role model for the kids. Kids copy their parents when it comes to imbibing habits. Proper Balanced Diet helps improve the memory of kids
Believe it or not but it is proved that the memory development has a lot to do with the right way of eating. What you eat is how your brain works! If kids get used to eating junk foods then the brain too gets full of junk. Poor eating disturbs the proper functioning of brain and believe it or not, but poor eating does hamper brain development which further degrades the memory skills. So what kid needs is to develop proper eating habits. A balanced food can definitely help the kid to enhance their brain functioning which will further improve their memory skills. A proper balanced meal with loads of protein, fiber, mineral and carbohydrates will work positively for the brain and thus improve the memory of kids.Few foods which are known to improve the memory of kids
Few foods which are known to help improve the memory of kids and should be included in your daily diet include:
Vegetables: Egg plant, Beet root, Spinach, Legumes, Onions, Broccoli, Turnips, cauliflowers, cabbage, asparagus, bell peppers, carrots, mushrooms, radish
Fruits: Strawberries, Apple, Blueberries, Oranges, Melons, Sweet lime, Lemon
Fish: Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines, Tuna
Soy Products: Soy milk, Soya chunks, Tofu
Dairy Products: Yogurt, Milk, Cheese, Cottage cheeseParticipating kids in Memory Games help improve memory of kids
Encouraging kid's participation in memory games or memory exercises definitely work in a positive manner and improve the memory of kids. Kids need to help their brain function in a better manner and right approach to improve the memory skills. Allowing too much TV watching or sleeping may slow down the brain functioning, but making the brain participate in exercises which boost its performance can work in a better manner. For this, encourage the kids to solve jigsaw puzzles, math puzzles or even Mix – n match activities which the kids will enjoy too. Parents will have to input a lot of personal involvement which will encourage the kids to participate in such activities. Working with flash cards can also be encouraging. Such games will help them concentrate and create interest in the kids slowly and steadily thus improving their memory.A memory game with flash cards
Take few pictures or flash cards and arrange them on the table. During the first session take only 10 cards. Allow the kids to see them for some time and ask them to call out the name of the picture loud. Now take away the cards and ask the kids to remember and write down all the names they called out loud. Start a countdown and ask them to write down in a scheduled time say 2 minutes. Appreciate their performance and keep playing again and again. Gradually keep increasing the number of cards. Regular practicing improves memory of kids.
The above mentioned ways can definitely be helpful when it comes to helping kids with improving their memory. Parents also need to give sufficient time to kids and thus keep them away from loneliness. Today's fast world, demands more from kids of today's generation, more than what it asked from us. Kids are over stressed with schools, classes and extra-curricular activities. More or less kids should not be over stressed. Over stressing can be harmful for children and hamper their brain skills. Today's education system is pretty stressful and kids have to follow long schedules and hence they get more and more stressed and tired which also hampers their memory skills. A good vacation can always be relaxing and additionally sometime of outdoor playing will definitely de-stress the kids thus improving their memory.