How to help your diabetic child

Parents always wish and pray for long and healthy life of their children. Never even their slightest thought parents could ever assume that their child may suffer from any severe medical conditions like diabetes. It is one of the rarest thought a parent can ever have. But such situations are not in our hands and most we as a parent can do is help our child fight such situation. This article mentions how parents can help their diabetic child.

How to help your diabetic child

It can be painful for parents to learn that their 3 year old or 5 year old kid is diabetic. Parents may panic after knowing such medical state in children and worry what to do about it. But I believe this is not the time to panic! This is the time when your child needs you more than anything else. When a child learns that he has been diagnosed with diabetes, very less he understands about it. He may have a lot of questions and confusions about what exactly the disease is and how it is going to affect him or his life. That is the time when kids look upon their parents for all the answers they need. If a parent panics in such situation then kids will panic more. This can affect their daily life and can turn their life upside down. Hence it's the parents who need to act responsibly and ensure that their child isn't affected with such emotional issues.

Research suggests that out of every 10 children 2 may be detected with diabetes. Most of them may suffer from the Type 1 Diabetes and rest may have Type 2 Diabetes. Never even in their slightest thought parents could ever assume that their child is diabetic. It is one of the rarest thought a parent can ever have.

Symptoms of Diabetes in children

Few of the symptoms in Diabetes in children are:
- A sudden loss of weight

- Constant crankiness

- Severe and regular headaches

- Change in behavior

- Always thirsty

- Constant complain of pain in abdomen

- Urinating frequently (more than normal time)

Treatment suggested for children with diabetes

If your child shows any of the above symptoms, don't just conclude that he is diabetic. Let a medical specialist decide that for you. There may be a series of tests that a child would need to go through and finally if the report confirms diabetes, don't just panic. There are various treatments which are helpful and often suggested by doctors for children with diabetes. Few of these treatments include:

- Regular monitoring of child's blood sugar levels

- Recommended diet

- Suggested medication

- Exercise regime

- Suggested doses of Insulin

- Constant follow ups

Few complications that may arise in diabetic children

Its nothing to be scared of, but parents need to know everything concerned with diabetes and this also include few of the complications which may arise due to diabetes and parents should always be prepared for it. Complications like sudden lowering or increasing of blood sugar levels. These are two severe medical conditions which may arise in diabetic children. The medical condition that deals with sudden lowering of blood sugar in diabetes is known as Hypoglycemia. The medical condition which deals with sudden increase of blood sugar in diabetes is known as Hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia may arise when insulin levels in your child's body lower down to a great extent. Hypoglycemia, on the other hand may arise when the child's body suddenly looses lot of blood sugar. Such condition arises when the diabetic child fails to follow the treatment suggested regularly.

How does a diabetic child feel

Most of the time parents ignore how a diabetic child feels in such situation and what is his stand in such circumstances. Diabetic children may feel that they are not well at all and start considering themselves sick and this may:

- Withdraw them from all the social happening around.

- Feel resentment towards himself and his conditions.

- Get depressed over the whole issue.

- Start feeling guilty for what he is putting himself and his parents through.

- Feel embarrassed in front of others in school and home.

- Depend on his parents completely for everything

Let's discuss few ways in which parents can help their diabetic child:

Learn to control your feelings

Any parent would be shocked to learn that their child has diabetes. It is a fact. Such learning tears apart the parents mentally and they dishearten. Parents also feel guilty if this problem is hereditary and suddenly blame themselves for their child's medical condition. Whatever be the reason or the situation, the parents need to learn to cope them very well. Their feelings and resentment may affect the child in a large way. Children can't bear their parents emotional trauma and will feel hurt. Hence it's very important for parents to control their feelings and stay positive about everything in front of their children. When children observe that their parents are strongly handling the situation, their resentment fades away and they start feeling secure.

Understand what your child is going through

Parents need to understand what their diabetic child is going through, emotionally and physically. Parents need to completely understand the situation and help their child to cope up with everything that comes his way. Allow the child to express his fears and pain and help him to understand what exactly he is suffering from. Make him feel special and try to help him express his emotions. Let the child know that you are always there for him.

Help your diabetic child deal with medical treatments

Your diabetic child may be scared about all the medical treatments that he would have to go through. Children are scared of injections and hence they may consider the insulin injection sessions scary. Hence parents need to help kids in those situations. Help the child understand the importance of the treatments he will undergo. Participate with him in his exercise regimen and make it a fun filled activity.

Follow the recommended medication regularly

If parents fail to follow the recommended medication, children have to suffer. Conditions like hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia may not even arise if parents follow the recommended diet and exercise regimen strictly. Though in illness, one can't help these conditions to arise, but other than that this can be definitely kept under control.

Top 10 tips for parents to help their diabetic child

Here are few tips that parents can consider while helping their diabetic child:

1. Speak to your child about the medical condition he has and clear all his doubts and fears.

2. Regularly monitor the glucose levels of your diabetic child without fail.

3. Follow the diet schedule strictly and regularly. Never forget that the diet plays an important role.

4. Encourage your child to make new friendships, as they may work as a confidence booster.

5. Maintain or at least pretend to maintain a normal family atmosphere in your house in front of your child. Children don't enjoy special attentions at least in front of guests which can embarrasses them. Hence try to act normal.

6. If your child feels worried about his medical conditions, then help him to clear it off immediately.

7. Encourage your child to participate in various activities in schools or outdoor.

8. Inform school teachers, relatives and friends about your child's diabetes.

9. Make a list of all the emergency numbers along with medication and hand it out to your kid's teachers and relatives. This may be helpful in case of emergency.

10. Let your child know that you love him and you are always there when he needs you.

Following these methods will surely help parents and children to cope up with this medical condition. Let your child know, you are there by their side to support and take real care of them. Together with this, treat your child just as a normal kid to impart confidence in themselves.


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