How to Make Kids like to Go to School

Most of the children complain of not liking school in their early days. This is the time, when parents should actually try to identify what the real problem is. It may either be just boredom or stress factor that makes a child hate school. This article helps parents to understand every detail they need to know about how to make kids like to go to school.

How to make kids like to go to school

Have you ever noticed that your kid has severe stomach aches during the school time, or even fever just as soon as the school bus arrives near the house for picking him up. Is it that your kid starts feeling giddy or sick as soon as he starts getting ready for school as soon as his parent wonders what is exactly going on with the child he starts feeling better as soon as he is allowed to stay home? So if you are one of the parents, whose kids do have all such problem or any other just in time, then you need to know that there is definitely something going wrong here. Maybe your kid doesn't wish to go school. The reason could be because he doesn't like it or doesn't enjoy so much going to school.

This is a common problem most of us face when kids go to school. Is it that kids go to school or we actually send them to school? Whatever may the answer be but the fact is not all children enjoy schooling as much the rest do. Schooling is all about learning, getting education and finishing the set standard curriculum, but maybe that's not each and every child in the school is looking for. May be each and every child out there has their own imagination which makes him ask for more, and then maybe the school that this child goes to does not work as her his or her expectation. So whatever be the reason, which definitely has to be one of them a kid may not enjoy going to school. But when such question arises whether or not why would a kid not enjoy going to school, can't we just ask ourselves whether or not we enjoyed going to school. If we did then why these kids don't? What has changed from then to today's circumstances? Or there is some other reason which we need to know, which makes kids uninterested in going to school?

It is not exactly a great thought to know that your kid does not enjoy going to school, but if you ignore this fact and forcibly keep sending him or her to school the problem worsen further. But then this doesn't mean that you ask your kid to stop quit school (which the kids would enjoy so much) and stay home. We all know that schooling is so important in life. But forceful schooling is not going to do any good. Though the fact remains unchanged that each and every individual needs to go to school, as it is very important for their personality development, gaining of knowledge and academic evaluation. But other than forcing a child to go to school a parent may just try to investigate the reasons for the child not liking the school at all. Like what goes wrong, or has it been like this before or even if there is some kind of trouble the child is facing.

Basic reasons why a child wouldn't like to go to school

Here are few basic and common reasons known to parents which are applicable to most of the children who don't like to go to school:

- The child doesn't enjoy the schooling session.

- The child finds schooling boring.

- The child finds the curriculum and study material difficult enough to understand and hence avoids doesn't like to go to school.

- The child has problem with few of his class-mates or doesn't have a healthy friendship with anyone which makes it hate school

- Any other child bullies him and the child is terribly frightened. This is one of the common reasons which make kid hate school.

- The regular punishments in school make him feel embarrassed in front of his class-mates.

- The child is been teased either for his looks or his academic performance.

- The child feels dumb as compared to other children in his or her class.

- The child feels too exhausted with the study pressure

- Maybe the child hates the way he or she is been treated in school by either his classmates or his teachers.

- Few kids consider school as a prison and hence don't like it.

- Most of the kids are exhausted or stressed out and hence don't enjoy schooling.

Each one of us need to understand that the above reasons only suggests that it is not the school they actually hate, but it mostly the circumstances or situations around the school that actually bug the kids.

Get to the root of problem

Parent has to first identify the root of the problem. Once you get to the root you know what you should or you can do about it. Other than forcing kids to school, maybe parents can think of different ways by which kids would start liking school. But for this it is very important that a parent tries to understand the real reason about why a kid doesn't like school and then help their children with liking school. However parents need to understand the root cause at the earliest, usually in early years of school or the problem can worsen further.

Handle the school bully

If your child is afraid of some other child in the school who bullies him in any way, then it's time that you put a stop to it. Either talk to the teacher about this bully or report to school authorities. If possible speak to this child's parents or even if that doesn't solve the issue then handle the bully yourself. In such cases you may also teach your child to about how they can handle the bully themselves. This will not only help them gain their confidence but also help them to gain some respect in front of their class mates.

Help your child to make friends in school

When children have good friends in school or a small group of friends in school, they enjoy schooling even better. So if your child's real problem is that he is not able to make friends, then maybe he needs your little help. Call over his classmates for a small snack party and allow them to spend some time. Or you can also make him join some activity class of his own interest where he may find kids of same interest, who can be good friends to him.

Try to make studies easy and understandable for your kids

In this case you may also need the school teacher to help you out with steps on how schooling can be made easy. Help your child with worksheets and easy examples which will make him understand the concept much better. Nowadays with internet we can also provide kids with additional resources and study materials with actual pictures and educational games which make studies as well as concept easier for kids.

Try and make schooling a fun-filled activity

Though this can look a bit difficult, but it is not impossible. Once you understand what your child is really interested in then maybe you can help him out to achieve it. Finally each and every child has to like something and dislike something. But it is more important to pay attention to their likings and provide them helps with that. Like for instance if a child wants to join the football session the school has before school, allow him to join that. This way a child would definitely make it to school and also make some friends of his own age group. However if a child hates a particular class but has joined out of pressure from you or his teacher, then that should be stopped immediately. This way a child would never find schooling boring.

Reward your child for 100% school attendance

If your child starts enjoying schooling sessions and does attend school regularly without even missing a single day in a month; then you should reward your child at the end of the month for doing so just to boost his confidence. This reward could be anything from a Ice-cream treat or small toy or anything else.

This way you would make it easier for child to enjoy schooling without any pressure. However if in any way you are not able to reach to the root of cause then an expert's advice is really needed. So don't just ignore the problem but in a way try to help your child to make schooling an enjoyable experience for him.


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