How to organize a child's room

Did you just trip over your child’s skates when you were looking out for his school magazine? Well if yes, then you need to learn more about how you should organize your child’s room for his as well as your convenience. This article helps you to do the same by providing you with helpful tips and ideas on how to organize your child’s room.

How to organize a child's room

Don't you wish your child should clean his bedroom and organize everything in place every day? This is a common woe of every parent but very few can confidently say that yes my child organizes his room every day. Very often parents help their children to organize their room in most cases parents do it alone. And it's really hectic for parents to do the same. Imagine how the morning begins for such parents if the child's room is not organized. Where are the school books? where is the school tie that he was wearing yesterday. Imagine his school shoes below the bed, and his toys dumped in the study table. Would like to hear more, educational CDs mixed up with music CDs, pencils are nowhere and every time the child goes for a new pencil as he lost his old one which he has taken from his pencil box yesterday but got lost somewhere in the heap of toys right on the floor!

Hence it is time that you realize you need to organize your child's bedroom in such a way that there is no area for cluttering and heaping and stacking up. The prime focus for organizing a child's bedroom is that there is no area for mixing up two or more things, thus getting everything allotting area for each and every thing of your child thus he knows where a particular thing goes and he finds it easier to place the objects then and there.

Points to be considered while organizing your child's room

Here are few points that you need to consider before organizing your child's bedroom:

1. Make it clear to yourself why and how you plan to do it.

2. See that you organize your child's bedroom by providing proper convenience for your child.

3. While organizing your child's bedroom see that you take care of required safety measures for your child.

4. Make a list of all the stuff of your child by prioritizing them with what's more needed regularly.

5. Make sure that when you organize your child's room you keep some space for the child to move around freely.

6. Make use of empty boxes and plastic containers if you wish to organize your child's bedroom economically.

7. Be specific and plan well before implementing.

8. If your child is young enough than plan in such a way that it works for the future too and you may not need to re-organize very soon.

9. Don't go overboard when it comes to organizing your child's room.

10. See that the whole concept of organizing your child's room is accepted happily by your child too.

Always remember that you are organizing a child's room

It's not you who is going to stay in the room but it is for your child and very well remember this fact. While planning to organize a child's room do consider how he would want his room to be. Overuse of adult furniture within the child's room may make it difficult for the child to adjust himself within the rom. For example high height beds, big and unreachable closets, fixed and tight toy boxes can make it difficult for a child to open or climb over. A child in haste may also hurt himself as there are chances of getting pinched or falling off from the bed. Hence while organizing a child's room, try to look out for simple and comfortable kid's furniture which are readily available in the market.

Allot areas very well while organizing the child's room

Always take into consideration certain important points while organizing your child's room. For example you should be able to answer the following questions while organizing the child's room:

- Which corner of the room is appropriate for the study table depending upon the proper lighting?

- Which corner of the room is ideal for the bed?

- Where his toys should be placed for him to conveniently settle down and play?

- Which side the closet should be kept?

Always keep in mind your child's convenience

Small things if taken care of may help and work conveniently for your child. For example follow these simple steps:

- Make sure that you arrange for a book shelf right near his bed, if your child has a habit of reading books while sleeping.

- If your child has a great stack of board games then arrange them one over other on the floor or bottom shelf of the closet so that your child conveniently uses them and places them back after use.

- If your child loves to read a book while sleeping than make sure that you arrange for a night lamp besides his bed for proper lighting.

- If you have placed a bin within the child's room, then it is definitely a great idea but do see that the bin is placed conveniently near his study desk so that he uses it comfortably.

- A laundry basket or a laundry bag should be present in your child's room so that the child stops throwing his used clothes all over the room.

- Please be ready to give away all those stuff which are not useful anymore to your child other than heaping them out in his room. Other than just throwing you could give them out as a charity to needy children and thus use your child's stuff for some social cause.

Plan a storage space while organizing a child's room

Out of all the stuff that your child needs, most of them are not used regularly or is not needed every now and then. For such items of your child arrange a storage stuff which preferably is kept above either on the upper portion of his closet or in a separate shelf, or even within the bed. Make use of plastic containers for toys which are not in use and can be used later. In the same manner use the storage space for your child's winter clothes, stuffed animals, comic books, artworks, greeting card collection and many such things. You can also print out labels on these containers or boxes so that it gets easy for you to know what is where.

Involve your child too while organizing his room

A child is always happy when he gets to involve in such activities. And if you allow your child to participate in this activity then he is more known to what is kept where and he too enjoys by sharing his ideas and focuses on organizing his own room.


Author: Muhammed Shafeeque. P31 Jul 2011 Member Level: Silver   Points : 1

Its very impressive ideas and nice. But most of the people are not awareness about children.It will leads many problems, If we think to care your son, they will also care you

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