Worksheets on different Shapes like Circles, Rectangles, etc

Maths is a fun to people of all ages. I have added some math puzzles which do not require any mathematical knowledge, but requires just logical reasoning. These puzzles are not related to any numbers. These puzzles are related to shapes like circles, rectangles, triangles, etc.

Maths Logical worksheets given in this article, can be solved by kids as well as by the elders also. We are sure that solving these Math Logical worksheets will give you a great fun and brain exercise.
Here I am providing the answers to the worksheets for your reference.

I. Answers for No. of Circles worksheet
Total Number of circle: 20

II. Answers for No. of Rounded Rectangles worksheet
Total Number of Rounded Rectangles: 25

III. Answers for No. of Rectangles worksheet
Total Number of Rectangles: 15

IV. Answers for No. of Squares worksheet
Total Number of Squares: 20

V. Answers for No. of Shapes worksheet
Total Number of Circles: 10
Total Number of Rectangles : 5
Total Number of Rounded Rectangles : 5
Total Number of Squares : 10
Total Number of Rounded Squares : 10



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