Medium Level Sudoku Worksheets for Kid

The present article provides some printable sheets for children of the age going to primary schools. The present game is considered to be the medium level mind game among the types of different Sudoku levels that are present. The present sheets are provided with the answer also along with the puzzle paper so that it would benefit those children who find difficult to get the final solution.

The world's most famous mind game that is popularized primarily by the British paper is now known to every one because of the interest that it creates not only among the kids but also in every age group.

The present set of arrangements of the puzzles is based on the mathematical operations of permutations and computations that deal with the number of arrangements. The present game is a 6x6 grid puzzle and the rules for solving of the puzzle are mentioned as below.

Rule for solving the Medium level Sudoku work sheets
1. There are 6 vertical and 6 horizontal rows that make a graph like structure of 6x6 sizes. In each grid, the numbers from 1 – 6 must be arranged such that there in no repetition.
2. There are 6 sets of further small 3x2 sub-grids available and they also need to be seen that if they are filled with the digits ranging from 1 – 6.
3. Repetition of the numbers either in a row, in a column or in a sub-block should be done.

For other related sheets of different levels, visit the pages
4x4 Sudoku Mind Game
9x9 Sudoku Mind Game
9x9 Cross Sudoku Mind Game



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