Kannada Alphabet Practice Worksheets

English has became a part of our lives. English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters. We have alphabets in 2 forms. Firstly, Uppercase which is also called as Capital letters. Secondly, Lowercase which is also called as Small letters.

Language study helps a child in a long run. Language practice in the form of alphabet recognition, alphabet writing, practicing comes as the first step for a child. This happens right at an early age when a child is as small as a toddler. English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters. When children enter the school life, they firstly learn these alphabets, because it is the base for their further studies. But the practice for language recognition including alphabet recognition and alphabet writing practice starts way before that when a mother starts teaching a child at home, which is a normal scenario. When a parent tries to explore his child with alphabet recognition it first starts with basic and then it comes to writing practice. In school at a pre-primary stage a child is first taught to practice and recognize capital letters and then starts the practice of small letters that is the lower case.

Here at Study Village we too have come up with printable small letters practice worksheets which is related to alphabets, especially lower case alphabets like (a, b, c, d, e, f…). So now parents can just print the pages of these printable lower case practice worksheets and allow their child to practice as many times as they want. Kids can say the words, trace it as many times, they can try to write by their own, know the and even they can color which comes out a as best part. So in this one single worksheet they have 4 to 5 types of activities to do. Children really enjoy working with these printable coloring pages. Allow the child to engage themselves in a fun filled study environment where they get to practice with as many printable worksheets such as English small letters (lower case) practice worksheets for easy understanding.

Make use of this fabulous worksheet, All the best, Good Luck.


More articles: Alphabets


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