Make a cup of tea within 5 minutes : Kids friendly tutorial

In this article I will tell you how can you make a small cup of tea on a sheet of a drawing paper. This tutorial is specially meant for the small kids. All the steps given in the tutorial is easy to understand.

How to make a cup of tea in simple steps

step 12 to make a cup of tea

1. In the Step 1 to make a tea cup, just make a medium circle.

2. Now in Step 2 to make a tea cup make a long line below this circle.

3. Make two slightly curved lines in both the sides as given in Step 3 to make a tea cup

4. Now in the Step 4 to make a tea cup make a curve above the circle as shown.

5. In Step 5 to make a tea cup what you have to do is remove all lines so that your figure will take the shape of a cup.

6. Now in step 6 to make a tea cup make the handle of your cup.

7. Remove all the overlapped lines as shown Step 7 to make a tea cup

8. Make a sphere below your cup. Have a look Step 8 to make a tea cup how to make this sphere.

9. In theStep 9 to make a tea cup delete or rub the area comes under your cup.

10. Make some streams from your cup as shown step 10 to make a cup of tea

11. Make a bold shape in the cup in the above part. To get an better idea see step 11 to make a cup of tea

12. Now your cup is ready, color it and have fun.



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