How to make a decorative butterfly
Children love to decorate things. Here's a stepwise instruction to make a butterfly that you can use to decorate your books, room or where ever you want to use it. Teach them how to make a butterfly decorative using the steps to keep them busy and learning.
Children like to decorate their books and room with stickers and other such things. And if they like to decorate things, why not to make decorative items by yourself. This will add more fun at decorating books and rooms. Here is the steps through which you can make a beautiful butterfly by yourself to decorate the things you want to.
Things needed:
3.A thick piece of paper
5.Glitter (optional)
Step 1: Start off by drawing the body of the butterfly.
Check the first step here: Butterfly body
Step 2: Once you've made the body, move on to the upper wings of the butterfly.
Step 2 (a): Butterfly upper wings
Step 2 (b): Butterfly upper wings complete
Step 3: Then move on to make the lower wings. Here I've made a bit fancy wings as I don't like round and even wings. Plus such wings make the picture better, especially when you're making a decorative. A decorative looks different when it's something unusual and different. One more thing, try to make both the sides similar. If not exactly similar then at least make sure that the wings do not differ in size too much. There should a negligible difference in the sizes. One wing extremely big and the other wing extremely small will not look good at all. Keep on practicing. And do not hurry; take your time.
Step 3 (a): Butterfly lower wings
Step 3 (b): Butterfly lower wings
After step 3 (making both the lower wings), your butterfly will look like this: Butterfly wings complete
Step 4: After making the wings, I've made another layer over the wings to make the wings pop-up. Otherwise the picture would look a bit neutral.
Step 4: Butterfly wings-Outline
Step 5: Next, start making designs of your choice to fill the wings of the butterfly. The design I've made here is very basic. You don't have to be an expert to make this. It's nothing but curved lines and triangles with circles.
Step 5 (a): Butterfly wings design
Step 5 (b): Complete butterfly
Step 6: Once your picture is ready make sure to make the outlining using a sketch pen or marker pen, easily available in the market. Outlining makes your drawing even more attractive.
Step 7: Now, you're done with the drawing portion. You can now fill the colours of your choice to make your picture even more beautiful. There's no rules and regulations in drawing so you can use whatever colour you like to.
Step 8: Now cut down the picture from the paper neatly, because it's a decorative. Use the scissor carefully or you can take help from adults. Never try to cut the narrow areas like the antennas at the edges. Always leave some space around such places or extension.
The following picture I've made using the above instructions. Here I've used 5 colours: black, red, yellow, orange and brown, you can see in the picture where. I've used pencil colour but you can use any kind of colours; crayons, sketch pens or whatever you like to use. Since I've used pencil colours hence I've added a bit of glitter in the picture just for the reason that pencil colours look a bit dull. Though you can use glitter with any kind of colours. Glitter is just to make it more interesting and fun!
My butterfly decorative: Butterfly decorative 1
The above picture is the basic one. But you can make such butterflies according to your experience and advancement in drawings. If you're a beginner then you can start with the above butterfly but if you're a bit advanced in drawing and can do more curves in your drawing then you can make some more curvy butterflies as well. Following is an example.
Another example of butterfly decorative: Butterfly decorative 2