Fun Tables with Pictures

How to show your child the fun side of learning? From this Maths activity you can teach Maths as interesting way! Your child can learn more about multiplication with times tables up to ten with pictures and flash cards for multiplication.

How do you count the total number of color pencils in your color box, if one raw has two color pencils? You need to know about the times tables and multiplication for this.

How to multiply with pictures
Pictures are always easier to remember than numbers. We can teach students to remember the times tables using pictures. It will remind them the fact of multiplication and times tables easily.

1. Make a small print of tables up to 10 from attachments given here.
2. Arrange them properly from the times tables one to ten.
3. Remember to take all pages are in same size.
4. Bind this group of pages together.
5. You can decorate your book with colorful bind cover.
6. Write answers for each multiplication with the help of pictures inside.
7.This can be your own times tables hand book.
8. It is easy to find any tables from your book now!

You will find here colorful pictures of the times tables, So you can count them
and make your own flash cards for times tables.


More articles: Learn tables with fun


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