Effects of Parents Workload on Children

At present, both the parents and working and facing tremendous work pressure. As a result, they can not spend time with their children and it is adversely affecting the growth of children. This article explains the negative effects of parents workload on children.

Home is a place where children learn their early lessons of life. They learn how to face different situations in life. They see their parents and other family members around them and try to enact them and be like them. Generally a child starts learning and observing when he is two or three years old. At present, it has become a necessity for both the parents to work to satisfy the increasing demands of life. One major impact of heavy professional work load of parents is that the children feel neglected. It can sometimes leave negative effects on children.

The negative effects of parents workload on children are explained below:

1.At present, nuclear families are taking place of joint families. It has broken the support system of grandparents, sisters, brothers and uncle-aunties. Hence, taking care of children is the sole responsibility of parents. And generally both the parents are working these days. The work timing of parents is mostly same. They have to work from mornings till evenings. And the result of all this is that children are left alone at home with nanny or baby sitter. Or they are left at day care centres or crèches. However, sometimes leaving children this way may increase tension of parents instead of reducing it when they do not have any idea about what their child is learning. Sometimes children get more emotionally attached with their nanny or baby sitter.

2.The work environment is getting much tensed these days. There is cut throat competition in every field. In order to meet the deadlines and face completion, parents have to work long hours. Working long hours may leave them frustrated and tensed. It happens many times that they relieve this tension on their children without even realising this. They get irritated at even small things and yell at them. It has negative effect on the mind of children and may decrease their self confidence. It has negative effect on their behaviour too.

3.Parents also feel guilty when they are unable to spend time with children. To cover their guilt, they purchase expensive gifts for children such as computers, video games, mobile phones etc. These things make children unsocial and lazy. Nothing can take place the time that parents can spend with their children. Human interaction is very important for right mental and physical growth of children. Children may even develop unhealthy eating habits in the absence of their parents. Especially small kids are affected worst under these conditions.

4.Every child wants to share his/her day experience with his/her parents. They have so many questions that they want to ask. They want to share the little things that have learned. They want to share their dreams with their parents. When the parents do not have time to listen to them they feel hurt. They feel traumatised and angry. It damages their mental, physical and emotional well being.

5.Traditionally, mothers play most important role in the life of children. Their mental, physical and emotional health is largely affected by their mother. If the mother does not have time for child, it can adversely affect his analytical skills, communication skills and emotional well being. When children do not get required support and love within their home, they try to find it outside and it can prove dangerous in some situations.

6.When the parents are always busy in their work, the bond between parents and children becomes very weak. It has negative effect in growth and development of children.

Now, from the points stated above, it is clear that workload of parents adversely affects the mental and physical growth of children. It is very important for parents to understand the need of spending time with kids. They should try to manage their work in such a way so that they can spend at least some time daily with their kids. Living in joint family is also a good as you can take the benefit of the experience of your parents in taking care of your own children. Try to spend as much time with your children as possible. Listen to them, share their dreams and you will yourself feel refreshed and relaxed.


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