Funny Animal Coloring Pages for Kids

In this article there are some funny animals coloring pages for kids. These coloring pages will help kids to improve their drawing skills and will also create a great fun. There are ten coloring worksheets attached to this article. Children, have a great fun with coloring these pages.

Funny Animal Coloring Pages for Kids

This article provides you some coloring pages related to funny animals. Just color them to improve your coloring skills and have a great fun with it.

1) Rabbit - Its a drawing of a beautiful and funny Rabbit. Just color this rabbit with beautiful colors to make it more beautiful. Kids you know that Rabbit loves to eat Carrot.

2) Cock - Its a drawing of funny Cock. Just color it with beautiful colors you desire and make it more funny.

3) Dog - Its a drawing of a Dog. Just color it with beautiful colors. Kids you all know that Dog is very good and faithful pet.

4) Horse - Its a drawing of a beautiful Horse. Just color it with beautiful colors. Kids, do you know that Horse was used as a fastest mean of transport in older age? The average speed of an Horse is 69 km per hour.

5) Tiger - Its a drawing of a funny Tiger color it with beautiful colors. Kids, do you know that the maximum length of an Asian Tiger is 330 cm?

6) Elephant - Its a drawing of a beautiful and big Elephant. Color it with beautiful colors. Do you know that the average weight of an African Elephant is 7000 Kg and a newly born baby weighs between 90 to 120 Kg?

7) Cat - Its a drawing of a beautiful and funny Cat. Color it with beautiful colors, as you like. The Cat loves to drink milk and eat mouse.

8) Cow - Its a drawing of a beautiful Cow. color it with beautiful colors. Cow gives us milk which gives energy and used to make butter, cheese, delicious sweets,yummy ice creams,tasty cakes,etc.

9) Giraffe - Its a drawing of a beautiful and funny Giraffe. Color it with beautiful colors. Kids, do you know that Giraffe has the tallest neck which is 16 to 20 ft tall and its average weight is 830 Kg?

10) Antelope - It is a drawing of a beautiful Antelope. Color it with beautiful colors. Kids, do you know that there are 91 species of Antelope and they are native of Africa?



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